Valentine’s Day may look a little different this year, however, it doesn’t mean you still can’t surprise the special lady in your life with cute Valentine gift ideas for her.
Forget about the traditional Valentine surprise gifts like chocolates and flowers, seriously… we don’t want them, and they are no longer really a ‘’surprise’’ when we get them every single year. We want something useful, like a VR headset, or, cool underwear. Something that speaks about where we’re at in our journey of life. Aka, playing a bunch of VR and lounging around in personalized underwear with our boyfriend’s face on it (you’ll see what we mean).
Trust us, one of these unique Valentine’s Day gifts is sure to peak your girlfriend’s fancy. Whether you’re still in lockdown, or you’re a free bird, give her something that lets her know that you know exactly what she needs.
Let’s get started, shall we?
#1 Bawdy Galaxy Kit
Our recommendation

Bawdy Galaxy Kit
A butt-mask for your girlfriends booty
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You’ve heard of a face mask before, right? Well, this is pretty much the same, apart from it’s for your girlfriend’s bootylicious booty. It’s a plant-based formula, and is made to make her butt super smooth. This unique Valentine’s Day gift is for her, but let’s face it, it’s also for you.
The Bawdy Galaxy kit is available in four different varieties:
- Bite It (hydrating and toning)
- Shake It (firming and illuminating)
- Slap It (re-texturizing and detoxifying)
- Squeeze It (brightening and rejuvenating)
Choose any, or even all four to give your girl the booty facial of her dreams!
#2 Sugarmat Yoga Mat
Our recommendation

Sugarmat Yoga Mat
A yoga mat of dreams
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If your girlfriend is a yogi, then look no further than this cute valentines day gift idea for her. Even if she isn’t but you’d like her to be more flexible, why not draw some inspiration with this beautiful looking mat? Come on… you know what we mean you dirty dawg.
Seriously though, Sugarmat is an extremely luxurious yoga brand, so it’s sure to put a big smile on her face when she sees the beautiful design along with the incredible quality it boasts. In addition to this, each Sugarmat is also eco-friendly, and made from non-toxic materials.
It’s the perfect addition to a gorgeous Valentine’s Day date – a couples yoga class with your new mats! You can even make this great Valentine’s Day idea for her a regular couples exercise and keep fit together!
#3 Love Is Art Canvas and Paint Kit – Abstract Art Through Intimacy
Our recommendation

Love Is Art Canvas and Paint Kit
Abstract Art Through Intimacy
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Love really is art, and this super unique Valentine’s Day gift proves it. Not only is it a gift, but it’s also actually a really great valentines day idea for her. In fact, it’s great for both of you.
This Valentine’s surprise gift contains everything you need to safely create a piece of abstract art while being intimate with the girl you love. With a large plastic sheet to protect the surfaces of your chosen location, a specially treated non-allergenic white cotton canvas, a four-ounce bottle of black, non-toxic, washable paint, and a pair of disposable slippers; all you’ll have to do is set the mood, spread the canvas, and enjoy!
Truly perfect if you’re looking for a last-minute valentines surprise gift. You’ll both be provided with a unique bonding experience as you work together to create your own intimate artwork. Capture your special moment together forever, and even hang it up on the wall so you can make visitors feel awkward when they ask you questions about it.
#4 BodyBoss Ultimate Body Fitness Workout Guide
Our recommendation

BodyBoss Ultimate Body Fitness Workout Guide
Shape that body!
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If your girlfriend has made a New Year’s Resolution to get in shape and you see that she’s finding it difficult to get started or stick to it, this can be a really cute valentine gift idea for her. Or, you may get slapped, either way, you won’t know until it’s too late.
BodyBoss is a unique fitness guide book that provides a step-by-step exercise program that will allow her to lose weight, as well as tone muscles. It’s a 12-week program that has been known to boost metabolism, and get your girl sculpted and toned by just doing 30 minutes of exercise a day.
#5 The Boyfriend Pillow
Our recommendation

The Original Boyfriend Pillow
Who needs a man when you can have a pillow? Snuggles all day long!
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Honestly, no idea whether people use this seriously or as a joke, but we’re all for it. The boyfriend pillow is shaped like a buff man’s upper torso, and is supremely-comfortable.
This is a cute valentines gift idea for her, especially if you’re unable to be together due to isolation. It allows your partner to feel closeness, comfort, and intimacy. We know, it’s a bit weird, but who would have thought we wouldn’t be able to see each other due to a crazy murdering virus?
#6 Oculus Quest 2 VR Headset
Our recommendation

Oculus Quest 2 VR Headset
Take her to another world… a VR world
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Interested in spreading some VR-love this Valentine’s? This is a seriously unique Valentine’s Day gift, and we promise, your girlfriend will LOVE it. Jam-packed with so many games, from shooters, to climbers, to being able to sit in a movie theatre in space, rent a movie and sit next to each other and watch, the amount of fun you’re able to have is endless.
This would be a really cool last-minute Valentine’s surprise gift for the girl you love most. And what’s better? You can even play together if you’re both isolating throughout country lockdowns. Perfect for the long-distance virtual couple.
#7 Dash Mini Waffle Maker
Our recommendation

Dash Mini Waffle Maker
For the love of munchies!
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Is your girlfriend a waffle lover at heart? Actually, does your girlfriend like pancakes, paninis, hash browns, or any other delicious munchies? If so, this is going to be the absolute best Valentine’s surprise gift yet!
The Dash Mini Waffle Maker can make single-serve dishes in less than just three minutes! It has a nonstick surface that allows you to perfectly cook whatever you’d like to, and it’s super fun to use. That is of course if you’ve completely run out of ideas and have nothing better going on.
With the recipe book included in your purchase, say hello to delicious, healthy, breakfasts in bed and goodbye to processed foods. With this, you’ll never run out of Valentine’s Day ideas for her again!
#8 Personalized Face Underwear
Our recommendation

Personalized Face Underwear
Seriously… who wouldn’t want this?
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If you remember correctly, we mentioned personalized underwear with a picture of your face on it earlier on in the article. We at DrinkUp joke around a lot, and it’s definitely not going to end anytime soon. This is a hilariously cute valentines day gift for her. When your girlfriend opens it, she’s sure to laugh, or cry! Either way, she’s definitely going to have to wear them as YOUR gift for Valentine day.
So, are you Interested in officially owning your girlfriend’s booty? That was obviously a rhetorical question, of course you are!
All you have to do is click the link below, head over to ‘’customize now’’, upload your ‘’sexiest’’ image, then wait as the team of designers do all of the hard work. Bear in mind, they will place your face in a repeating pattern so there is no need to upload multiple images.
#9 Personalized Heart Jigsaw Puzzle
Our recommendation

Personalized Heart Jigsaw Puzzle
A heart-shaped jigsaw puzzle and greeting card which is truly romantic and unusual.
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If you’re looking for a unique way to woo your special someone, then no look further than this cute valentines gift for her. You Complete Me is a heart-shaped jigsaw puzzle and greeting card which is truly romantic and unusual.
Made up out of 10 pieces, it’s a special heart-shaped piece that you put together, write your message, then break up and return back to the box to give to your girl.
Let’s face it, standard greeting cards are so passé. Celebrate love and relationships this year with this unique Valentine gift!
#10 Poop Like A Champion
Our recommendation

Poop Like A Champion
Pooooooop like a champion!
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Last, but definitely not least – the poop like a champion cereal. What? Don’t judge us, you knew what you were getting yourself into when you decided to read a DrinkUp article!
This poop like a champion cereal may sound funny, and it definitely is, but it’s also a colon-cleansing cereal packed with tons of fiber that will show your girlfriend that you truly care about her by investing in her pooping habits.
It comes with a wide range of health benefits like deep-cleaning your colon (which allows nutrients to be absorbed easily), it promotes regular bowel movements, and, it even reduces tummy bloating. It isn’t meant to taste great, but it definitely does what it says!
If she really doesn’t like the taste, she can try mixing it with yogurt, honey, or anything else that she desires to enhance the flavor. But trust us, it’s definitely worth it to help her drop the kids off at the pool.
Contrary to popular belief, this is a great valentines day idea for her. And, even though she may not say thank you directly, her being stuck on the toilet and out of your way will be enough.